It Has Finally Happened: Nigerians Launch First Ever Full Blown “Blue-F!lm” Company “Freethinkers Production”

Sunday, 13 August 2017

It Has Finally Happened: Nigerians Launch First Ever Full Blown “Blue-F!lm” Company “Freethinkers Production”

For some time now, many analysts and pundits of the Nigerian movie industry have hailed the new breed of filmmakers and their improved ways of telling stories as the future of Nollywood. However, a silent group of producers seem to have struck gold in making soft pó.rn, and it is booming.

I am sure by now you may have seen some Nollywood movie preview on YouTube with a very alluring thumbnail that tempts you to click and watch. When you click to watch you would usually see a teaser with a seeming plot that ends with a steamy sex scene; and an announcement that ‘if you want to see the full video or raw behind the scenes footage email or call/WhatsApp some specific numbers’.

But it does not end there. When you contact them, you’re given a price and bank account details to pay to, in order to receive the titles you hope to see sent to your email. Some producers also point you to a website where you can pay an amount to subscribe and watch these titles.

These movies are usually of low quality, with little or no storyline but a lot of nudity and dry humping. But sometimes things get more explicit as some titles go even further to show real intercourse.

After digging around, I found out that one of the producers of such movies was a familiar face in Nollywood and the Nigerian entertainment sector. In confidence of not revealing his real name (and of course paying to see a number of his movies), he agreed to allow me to interview him regarding what many would term his immoral and evil new direction.

The producer and director of many such titles under the NollyFun TV belt, revealed that the phenomenon has not been entirely new, and it only satisfies a demand to see sex by many Nigerians and viewers globally.

I went into soft pó.rn not intentionally. When a romantic scene from a Nollywood movie I produced was extracted and uploaded on a pó.rn site with my contacts, fans started calling and demanding for more, and that’s how we started,” he explains

So who are the people who patronize such videos? According to the producer, “foreign people appreciate us a lot for bringing such productions to Africa, some Nigerians buy and appreciate us too, while some are stubborn and choose to talk us out of it.”

So in a region where morality is a big thing, how easy is it to find actors willing to strip down and engage in such scenes? From the selection of titles I saw from the NollyFunTV producers, it appears he keeps a constant male actor and a few actresses on rotation. I wanted to interview his actors but with little success.

He said, “It’s a big challenge to produce such movies; you hardly get a good cast for it, especially females. Most of the calls we received so far are from males that want to join; we hardly get calls from women to join. So it’s always tasking to get new cast to produce such movies in Nigeria.” 

This is not the case for every producer in the field; some do get a variety of people for casting; a variety of cast that are sometimes willing to take it a notch further from soft pó.rn to hardcore pó.rn. Datkindboy and Freeman, from Freethinkers Production belong to that group of bold and daring producers.

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