Intelligence sources have leaked that the Nigerian government with its Chadian partners have captured a current “Abubakar Shekau,” leader character of the Boko Haram sect.
Our sources did not tell us exactly when he was detained, however he said categorically that “we have Shekau and he is alive.”
The Nigerian army and unusually the president himself this week promised to capture “Shekau” alive before the March 28th elections.
Plans To Get Shekau To Indict Opposition Candidate General Muhammadu Buhari
Disturbingly, an authentic leak has informed us that Shekau is currently being drilled and fed a confession statement to be made when he is recorded on the “battle field” being “captured” and interrogated. The confession is to claim opposition candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari who is expected to sweep the upcoming elections this March, is the sponsor of Boko Haram.
Our sources said that only an inner circle of intelligence chiefs were in on this plan, including the nation’s national security adviser, Sambo Dasuki. He said a video will soon be released in which Nigerian soldiers appear to be capturing Abubakar Shekau and as he is beaten in the video, he will accuse General Buhari and other top opposition candidates of being behind the sect. Dasuki has been promised to be made the Sultan of Sokoto by president Jonathan as we earlier broke.
Our sources said that this dangerous and desperate plan is to galvanize all fanatic religious support possible for the ruling PDP party. He said that the confession by the Boko Haram terrorist leader double is not expected to lead to an indictment as terrorist words are usually dismissed, but is to be used as widely propagated videos on the internet and via text files, in attempt to scare potential voters for General Buhari.
Shekau is being offered a good deal for implicating General Buhari; he wants quick death; but Nigeria’s president is even offering him that he may be allowed to escape after he safely re-assumes office
Terrible Dimension But Not Entirely New Concept
The formal libelous accusation of opposition candidate and ‘integrity’ contestant, General Buhari is not new from the ruling camp. Ruling party spokesmen have propagated very serious accusations against his person; which as NewsRescue detailed, he promptly contested in court leading to the ruling PDP spokesmen retracting the claims after the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan personally begged Buhari to settle the libel suit he won against them out of court.
There have also been serious Boko Haram activities including bombings and an attempt on General Buhari’s life which the ruling party has been accused of directly having a hand in.
Multiple Abubakar Shekaus
Investigations by NewsRescue have revealed that the first real person bearing that title has been killed in August of 2013; another double who adopted the role was killed last year.
The current double who has been working parallel to the “Shekau” killed at Konduga last year is a close ally of Chad’s president, Idriss Deby, remembered for duping Nigeria with a scam ceasefire. According to intelligence information, the ceasefire was actually brokered between Deby and Shekau, but Shekau could not convince the other majore Ansaru terror leaders also on US terror watch list and who were actually in possession of the abducted Chibok goirls, to agree to the scrumptious deal and payment.
Since the election 6-week war began Boko Haram terrorists have been telling us that their “contract” is over and they are returning to their home countries. Who signed this contract is yet to be established, however after Stephen Davis implicated the Nigerian government through its chief of army, General Azubuike Ihejirika and Borno senator, Ali Modu sheriff in Boko Haram, the tides turned and the sect failed in its chief use for slandering the opposition.
It was barely 10 days after the expose by Davis that the “ceasefire” meeting was held in Ndjamena with implicated senator Modu Sheriff, Nigeria’s president and his Chadian counterpart in attendance.
Shekau Changes from ‘Boko Haram’ To ‘Elections Haram’
A recent “Shekau” video had him sitting unusually in front of a blue background in a studio.Our sources tell us that that video in which he furthered a common agenda the ruling party has, which is to disrupt the elections that do not currently favor the ruling party, was said according to our sources, to have been made in the custody of the Nigerian government with their Chadian partners.
In the new video, Shekau promised that they will rather die than see Nigeria through the March 28th presidential elections. Obeservers quickly noticed and commented that suddenly Shekau changed from Boko Haram to Elections Haram.
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