See 3 Things To Note When Your Boss Is Your Lover

Thursday 6 April 2017

See 3 Things To Note When Your Boss Is Your Lover

1. Learn To Take No For An Answer; Those times would come when your requests would be turned out. It would hurt, badly, but you should learn to take it and also make effort to understand his point of view. It’s just business. Also, don’t give your colleagues material for drivel by nagging your boss at work.

2. Curb The PDA: Public displays of affection should be reduced to a minimum as it would be thoroughly unprofessional too be seen reaching out to your superior in such a setting.
It is natural to want to hold somebody you love but keep yourself together till after work hours and out of sight of your colleagues.

3. Learn When To Cut Out The Work Talk: Those times would come when you need to remember to talk to yourselves about everything that doesn’t border on work.
Build your relationship by investing in personal issues and solving them together.
Go on vacations together, too and remember the affection you share.

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