Things I Am Seeing In Guest House, Women are not to be trusted -

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Things I Am Seeing In Guest House, Women are not to be trusted -

There is this coded guest house I discovered recently. and i have been hanging out there with few drinks. but there is rescuing things I am seeing there that is getting me worried.

when you see advance men with a young girls its seen as normal thing. but seeing advance men with advance women with big ass it called for concern. things are really happening. no married couple will come to coded guest house for sex. guest houses is for bad things.

when women of 45+ coming to guest house with men of 45+ it look some how. looking at them you will know this people are married with kids. with their decent dressing unlike prostitute and gangstas and the way they stylishly and shamefully enter rooms. its even worst when they are coming out. they will first observe coast and turn face the other way when coming out but the men usually walk freely. its more like boss is sleeping with big ass employees somebody wife or something.

I have a nose that scent pussy that has been troubled even from distance. when this women walk by I scent the pussy oozing following their direction.

women are not to be trusted but for men its understandable.

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