See The 5 Best Methods To Remove Tribal Mark Completely From Your Body

Friday 3 March 2017

See The 5 Best Methods To Remove Tribal Mark Completely From Your Body

How to clear tribal marks
Let’s find out what such mark means. First, you need to know it is a Yoruba thing. Various scars usually identify which group you belong to. It may denote that you are Nupe, Ilaje, Egba, or a person of any other Yoruba origin (in other words, it defines
a family or a tribe). Sometimes they are also used for a purpose of beautification. There exist even celebrities, who have such marks. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of people, who want to know how to remove scars.

How to get rid of the mark

Nowadays it is possible to remove the scar without any damage and consequences. The most common methods include the following:
  1. Scar removal cream.
    clear tribal marks 2

    It can successfully work if the mark isn’t very deep and big. It is thought to be the best treatment, because it is absolutely painless and doesn’t demand surgery. Besides, it isn’t very expensive. So, even if your “sign” seems large enough, you can at least make it smaller with the help of the cream.
  2. Laser. 
    The majority of specialists claim it’s the best solution to get rid of any depressed scars. However, you need to know that this method is the most modern and the most expensive one. Nevertheless, it influences very carefully and gently rubs even old marks. There exist two types of lasers for this procedure – carbon dioxide and erbium (for darker skin like Nigerian’s one). No hospitalization is required, besides the recovery period is very short – just two weeks. Special lotions might be prescribed to make your skin regeneration faster.
  3. Microdermabrasion.
    get rid of the mark

    This technology is even better than the laser. It’s the most gently and painless. The specialists use crystals, which are sprayed out on your skin surface. They eliminate its outer layer. Unfortunately, it’s effective only for not very deep injuries. Thus, if your mark is drastic – it will be useless. Consult the doctor in order not to waste your money.
  4. Surgical excision.
    It is helpful for any type of the marks, never mind how deep they are. But there are several significant disadvantages of the method – it’s quite painful and, moreover, the most harmful one of all the existing. People usually resort to it when there is no other way left to remove a mark. It’s a kind of operation, that’s why anesthesia is necessary. During the procedure, the doctor cut off the growth with the help of the razor. Your epidermis will be provoked to regenerate and the tribal mark will disappear.
  5. Chemical peels
    How to clear tribal marks 2
    Such method can successfully improve the skin’s appearance. That’s why it can be used even after removing an injury. It isn’t very painful, so you’ll just feel a kind of burning for about ten minutes. However, the recovery period may take some time. If you’ve decided to try it, get ready to wait.
The choice of a concrete method will depend on various factors. For example, whether you have raised or depressed scars. Their depth, size, and age are also of great importance.
Before making a decision, think everything over and make sure you really need to get rid of your injury, because any treatment may have particular complications, like pigmentary changes, etc. Sometimes it’s necessary just to reduce it a bit, and you will look good enough. Remember that plenty of celebrities still have marks and they are considered attractive.

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