Guys See Signs Your Sp3rm Is Strong And Healthy

Thursday 30 March 2017

Guys See Signs Your Sp3rm Is Strong And Healthy

While cannot gauge the quality of sp3rm by just looking at it, there are some signs that can indicate whether you have a good and healthy sp3rm or not.
Below are some ways to know the quality of your sp3rm.

A sculpted midsection: As a man you don’t even need a six pack as long as you don’t have a pot belly, your sp3rm is healthy. Studies showed that excess weight around the stomach can interfere with the release of s3xhormones and the production of sp3rm.

You eat more fish: Studies found that men who eat processed foods usually have low sp3rm counts more than men who do eat processed foods. “Men who eat fish, in fact, had a greater sperm concentration”.

You wear boxers: Studies shows that men who wore tight fitting underwear are more likely to have low-motile sp3rm count than those who wore boxers. Men need to have a motile sperm count or it might be difficult for the sp3rm to reach the egg and fertilise it.

You go to the gym daily: “Studies shows that men who got their blood pumping doing moderate to vigorous exercise 5 times a week have a higher sp3rm concentration than men who did not work out at all”

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