DATING: How to make Her know You will be good in Bed without actually telling Her

Friday 24 March 2017

DATING: How to make Her know You will be good in Bed without actually telling Her

It can come off as conceited or bragging if you go around telling every woman how great you are in the sack.  Now, most women assume that men who go on and on about their se xual prowess are really not that great in bed.

So, verbally announcing how much she will love being with you will only hurt your chances of ever seeing her na ked.
Here are other ways to let her know, without actually saying it.

1. Body Language: Women are attracted to confidence. When a confident man walks into a room and approaches a woman, she automatically feels attracted to him. A man whose body language speaks of self assurance will make any woman believe he is good in bed. Confidence is a very important trait in the bedroom, so the way you come across will help her determine how you roll in the sack. If you can confidently talk to her and get her attention, you are golden.

2. Conversing with her: A woman who is talking to a man wants to feel heard. She wants to feel like he is focused on her. So, to get in her good books and make her believe you will be great in bed, you need to be attentive to her. If you are attentive to her and you listen and contribute to the conversation, she will believe you will also be attentive to her in bed. But if you are the kind of  man trying to hit up a woman and keep losing focus or checking out other women that passes by, you will only cause her to assume se x with you will be terrible.

3. Kissing: If and when you finally get to the kissing stage, you have to be in the moment with her. You are not just sticking your tongue down her throat. Kiss her in a way that does not make her think you are acting a script. Respond to the vibes you are getting for her. Make sure you go as slow or fast as she is comfortable with. Acing the kissing test will put you instantly on her 'to bang' list.

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