Before You Marry A Military Man READ THIS

Thursday 30 March 2017

Before You Marry A Military Man READ THIS

Congratulations to you lady as you are about to get married to a man you love,

 I will like to share some thoughts with you about what to expect from being married to your military man boyfriend. This is not to frighten or stop you from going ahead with your decision but it will help you prepare your mind for future possibilities.

 * Be ready to endure shoutings : This is the starting point, you should not be surprised to see your husband shout at you during discussions when you appear to disagree with his opinions.

* He may not be by your side during important moments like childbirths,family events  and so on.

* you must be ready to live without him for months and sometimes years.

* You may lose him to death while participating in war battles

*  He may become incapacitated  after participating in war assignment.

* You may have to change residence often because of transfers.

 * Your husband may not being able to spend quality time with your children therefore missing  lots of important moments in his children's lives

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