Watch Out 5 Rules Of Every Relationship You Must Know

Monday 27 February 2017

Watch Out 5 Rules Of Every Relationship You Must Know

This is one of the greatest mistakes you will ever make in your relationship.”comparison”. I once read an article where the writer termed it a killer disease and I completely concur. Some persons make that mistake of thinking that comparison brings out the best in someone. FINE!, maybe in some cases, it does but definitely not in a relationship.

Now just in case you are in the habit of comparing him with some other guy, this is what you have been saying. “I wish that other guy rather than you”. Yes, that may not be your true feelings, but who can tell anymore? Most guys/girls want to be the only one and so when you make the comparison with others it makes them feel that just maybe: There is someone else, you are just hanging on to them and when the right one comes, what stops you from jumping off?
Often times we might be tempted to compare but we shouldn’t. When you signed up for the relationship, you signed up for everything your partner is made of including those him/her lacks. It doesn’t mean you can’t at least try to change them, but it means you should never compare!

I viewed a relationship survey once on successful relationships and here’s what I noticed. When asked what was special about their relationships most of them answered that they felt like kings and queens with their spouses. Very strong claim indeed! Have you ever been on top? In a position to lead? Wielded veto power? and all that? How
did it feel? Believe me, It’s exhilarating.

A dictionary defines a king as the best, the most important, a ruler, et al. My point being, you wouldn’t want to lose such feeling. 
Now you may be wondering how assiduous a task it is to make an ono partner feel as such but the truth is that it’s quite easy. The unique thing about a king or a queen is that they don’t share. for me, that’s the
definition of “special” Having or doing what others don’t.
I have actually read where a girl stated that she never hug other guys but her fiance. Now as little as it seems, that special. A point might come where your spouse would really want to know what makes him/her special. How do you treat them differently from others? Take an overview now; how are you being treated and how do you treat your spouse? Whatever your assessment is, know that there is always room for great improvement.

Let them know you for it that you will always have their back no matter what happens. Funny, some persons don’t know what runs through the mind of their partners and I do not mean literarily. Relationships that last are relationships where understanding is in order. Like I said earlier, if not anyone else, you shouldn’t be able to read your partner at most times (if not all the time). That’s the basis for the caption. “if I fall, I know you will
be there to catch me”.

I haven’t seen much of this but I heard it happens a lot. sometimes the past is not just worth talking about. Your spouse would read meaning into everything you say and the bad thing is, you can’t always explain yourself and humans just explanations.when you don’t explain, they might as well fill in the gap with whatever. Avoid that mistake of placing tormenting thoughts in their minds if you don’t want to lose them.

What’s the point in talking about the old times if you are happy with the present?except you are not. It also springs up jealousy and insecurity.Imagine meeting your ex in an event you attended with your partner (yourself and your ex in good terms. GOD help you if that relationship remains the same. Insecurity- some would say it’s worse than jealousy and sometimes I agree

Your partner would think of you in absentia but what would the insecure partner think about? They would probably wonder where you are who you are with and even have bad thoughts on what you might be doing. These are but among the few scenarios, you would hate to be in. Your best solution- avoid it.

Your relationship will not die without this but it will get better with it. fine, you love him/her but it gladdens the heart to hear it over and over. Such compliments are one thing you never get tired of but sadly it’s not a common thing in this part of the would. On an online forum I saw: “how often do you say I love you to your partner?” maybe if you are more expressive, your relationship wouldn’t be this boring and of course, your partner would appreciate you better.
Words are powerful so use them to your advantage.It’s a win-win situation for you. Hugs, holding hands are
nice too. It makes your partner feel warm and cared for.It’s quite comforting not just in movies. Try it!!!

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